Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Felt Owl Brooches

Felt owl pin

Get them while they're hoot!  Bad joke for the day....you're welcome.  I've been using up my felt scraps and embroidery thread to make little owl pins for the store.  It's a great little accent for any age, and I love making them in the evening, curled up on the couch watching "Elf".  You can find my little woodsy owls at Kindel and Company

New sweaters on the way very soon!  Love to all.


  1. These are wonderful - I can see them appliqued on sweaters, both children's and adults'. I will definitely be wearing one!

  2. Hi Brandy!
    Greetings from Guarulhos, Brazil.
    My name is Lucia, I am a nikkey librarian who loves owls and I try to put some effort in crafts like patchwork and bookbindg.
    I found your blog when I searched for owl felt brooches.
    I liked your owls very much and I liked your blog too.
    Keep updating it, dear!

    Congratulations for your postings, I like your tutorials.


    1. And greetings from Michigan, USA! Thanks for the comment and the attagirl! I certainly feel encouraged to continue updating with quality items and good tutorials. I love nothing more than sharing the sewing love.
